4 Home Tips For The Cold Weather

4 Home Tips For The Cold Weather

4 Home Tips For The Cold Weather

4 Home Tips For The Cold WeatherKeeping your home warm and cozy is important in the winter, and there’s more to it than simply turning on the heating system. In this article, we’ll go over some tips for the cold weather, and what you can do around your home to keep the space more comfortable. 

Obviously, there’s no substitute for a properly functioning heating system. If your furnace isn’t working properly, your home is likely going to be very cold. The biggest priority to home comfort in the winter is to take care of your heating system. In this article, we’ll give you some tips that will help you take care of your heating system, and some other things you can do around the house to make the space warmer. 

If you are looking for help with your heating system in Smyth County, VA, the experts here at Complete Comfort can help you out. Give us a call at (276) 690-9222, or contact us online. We can inspect your heating system, and provide you with routine maintenance, a repair, or a replacement if needed!

How To Make Your Home More Comfortable In Cold Weather

To keep your home comfortable, there are a number of tasks you can accomplish on your own, as well as some things you can hire a professional to take care of. It’s important to remember that if you feel uncomfortable with any of this, call in a professional to help you out.

Use Throw Blankets, Slippers, and Area Rugs

Using throw blankets, slippers, and area rugs are simple, but effective ways to stay comfortable once it starts to get cold out. Instead of cranking up the heat to an uncomfortable level, using these items will help you stay comfortable and cozy in your home. Keeping your feet off the floor by using area rugs and slippers goes a long way, just like having a few blankets to cover up when you are watching TV. 

Once again, this is something you generally do on your own, and as long as you don’t need to go out and purchase all this at once, it’s not a very expensive task. 

Turn Your Ceiling Fan To Clockwise

A Ceiling Fan Can Also Help Warm Your SpaceMost of the time your ceiling fan is used to cool you off in the warmer months. What a lot of people don’t realize is that your fan can also be used to keep your place warm as well. If you turn the fan clockwise, it creates a downdraft that will push the warm air that rises in your home back down into the living space. The key is to have the fan on a low speed so it gently pushes the warm air down. If the fan is moving too fast, it can make the air cool. 

To change the direction of your fan, you should be able to flip a little switch located by the base of your ceiling fan. 

Check Your Insulation/Seal Windows And Doors

Sealing leaks and cracks in your windows and doors goes a long way to keeping your home more comfortable and warmer. It also really helps save energy and maintain lower utility bills. This can be a tougher task, and one that requires some handy work, or potentially hiring a professional. 

If you want to have your insulation improved, calling in a professional may be the right choice. They can inspect the insulation in your ceiling, and areas that are easier to improve. You can probably seal cracks and leaks in the windows and doors a bit easier. You can use a sealant that eliminates little drafts and air escaping through your windows. You can also use weather stripping or door draft blockers to eliminate the draft from the door as well. 

If you live in a home with older windows and doors, it may be a good idea to invest in newer, energy efficient ones. Single pane windows can be a huge source of energy loss. You probably notice the chill coming from the window when it’s very cold out. It can be a pricey investment installing new windows and doors, but one that eventually pays itself off with saving on your energy bills. 

Schedule Heating System Service

Your heating system should be serviced at least once a year. This leads to: 

  • Improved Energy Efficiency
  • Smoother Operation
  • Lower Energy Bills
  • Improved Heating/Comfort
  • Longer System Lifespan
  • Maintains Warranty
  • Improved Indoor Air Quality

There are more benefits to heating service than you sometimes realize. We recommend you have your furnace or heat pump serviced at least once a year. This will ensure its smooth operation, and improve your home comfort for winters to come.

Check Out Our Service Plans

Bonus Tip: Use Sunlight To Heat Your Home

Ok here’s one more little tip to keeping your home warm. Open your blinds to allow sunlight in your home during the day. It’s a natural way to keep your home warmer without cranking up the heat. If you have rooms that don’t get direct sunlight, leave the blinds closed and pulled all the way down. It can serve as a small layer of insulation. 

Heating Service And Repair In Smyth County, VA

We hope these tips are beneficial for your home comfort this winter. We know how frustrating a cold home can be, and our goal is to make sure everyone in Smyth County is warm and cozy all winter long. 

If you need some help with your furnace or heat pump, look no further! The experts at Complete Comfort specialize in heating service and repair in Smyth County, and some of the surrounding neighborhoods as well. Give us a call at (276) 690-9222, or contact us online to speak to an expert ASAP! 

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